Memphis Street Rods was formed in 1968 by a group of young men who were dedicated to cars and car events. While most men of their age were into the Beatles (The Band) and war protests, the Memphis Street Rods’ members were totally dedicated to hot rods. Today their position has somewhat softened to the Beatles (The Band), but they are still into rods and rodding events. Memphis Street Rods has been involved with NSRA since its inception and has the distinction of being the only street rod club to work every NSRA Street Rod Nationals. We now have third generation rodders who are members of the club.
The Memphis Street Rods take pride in having members from all walks of life. If you’re in Memphis, look us up in the NSRA Fellow Pages and give us a shout.

Memphis Street Rods inc. is a Not-For-Profit organization for the promotion and preservation of antique vehicles and to educate the general public of the importance of preserving the history of such vehicles! The automobile has played a major role in the history of transportation in our Nation. Restoring and showing cars at our annual show and other events throughout the year helps to educate people to the evolution of the automobile and to the advancements made to them through the years!